Friday, October 16, 2009

Robster's Dicktionary - Lesson # 3 - Mental Health

And now, continuing our series on the language of the Robsessed:
Mental Health and treatment edition

(noun): What you experience when you find out that you are not alone in your Robsession and that there is a community of others who are just as Robsessed as you are.

RMS (noun): A syndrome that occurs before a televised red carpet event at which Rob will be appearing, caused by your excitement at the hopes of seeing him and hearing him speak, combined with your fear that you won’t. Symptoms include extreme anxiousness, spontaneous masturbation, and sleeping with your husband/significant other.

Robtervention (noun): When your friends and family members come together to confront you about their deep concerns regarding your Robsession, and attempt to put a stop to it. This is typically a result of your seriously neglect of them while you get your Robfixes.

C'mere honey. I think we need to talk...

Robtimatum (noun): A firm statement given to your significant other implying a threat if they try to deny you your Robfix, thus making them a Rob block. For example, denial of all blowjobs.

**Many thanks to @Susanchicago for her substantial contributions in this post


  1. Week's get better & better... Look forward to these...thanks for doing them!!!

    See You Next Friday!

  2. Happy to say I won't be having a Robtervention (unless you guys hunt me down) RL knows not of my Robsession! :)

  3. Is there any way I can be photoshopped into the Robwich in that pic???

    Also, I would like to link to the Robtionary. (I have the Robpedia, and a line to the Robglossary. I need the inforamtional link to be complete! LOL)

  4. seeing Rob sit with ....himself is well...creepy! but, at least 2 is better than one! ;-)
