Thursday, October 1, 2009

RobNip™ 1.2 - Drunk Rob for Prez

Myyyy felloowww Am'ricans,
tooniiight I present yooouuu a fir slook
at my new campaiiign

"Vote for me, Heiney and Robgasms for all"

*This message has been approved by the Rob-Nipulations Drunk Rob Support Group*

The "DrunkRob for Prez" staff includes @buhbeesgirl and @melarimo, as well as your faithful bloggers

But really, if we can't have Prez Drunk Rob, we'll settle for RoButler without hesitation!

MMM. He can service us anytime.

We could certainly find a private party where he could serve us. *coughMEcough* Or he could star at my sister's bridal shower... But who am I kidding, we aren't sharing RoButler with anyone!! (ahem. except for @RobaholicsAnon, who requested him)